Automation of tests
Products and services: CUTE and 121-T
Products and services: CUTE and 121-T
We provide you with the CUTE platform and guarantee its correct functioning
We provide you with the CUTE platform and support your team so that it develops quality automated tests
We provide you with the CUTE platform and develop the automated system tests in an agile way
CUTE is the platform that integrates and supports our customers’ test automation solution. CUTE specifically covers management of end-to-end tests, for web, mobile, REST or message-passing applications.
CUTE consists of several modules:
CUTE can be installed by choosing the most appropriate combination of products to meet the needs of the development team; it works on Ubuntu machines in the customer’s cloud.
CUTE is included in our 121T testing service.
Chronos is an end-to-end test execution planning service.
With Chronos you can configure a weekly test execution plan to run automatically. You can also run test sets on the fly and in any case monitor their execution. Chronos allows you to set time constraints between tests, to adaptively adjust the expected duration of runs, and to exploit parallel execution channels.
Chronos is currently used to efficiently, comfortably and reliably manage projects with heavy loads: more than 60 test sets, each of which taking between 30 to 90 minutes to run. The tests run in parallel on a dozen parallel execution channels, based on remote virtual browsers, producing more than 40 execution hours every night.
Test managers and testers in our customers’ teams use different user interfaces: some use a GUI to make routine changes to the weekly schedule, others use shell commands to optimize the schedule and reduce total runtime or channel usage. Developers use both to manually initiate the execution of test sets that have just been developed or revised.
Daedalus is a web-based development environment for creating and maintaining end-to-end tests and their relationships with requirements. With Daedalus a tester or test analyst can:
It is an extension of Daedalus that allows a tester or a product manager to:
Athena is necessary for executing the tests. It is a library that allows you to specify test scenarios, sample specifications, test steps, platforms and execution channels, so that tests can be run against web applications, mobile (Android and IOS) applications, applications based on REST or message-passing architectures.
Athena enriches Daedalus with the ability to run tests, with or without Chronos.
Athena can be extended so that you can run custom code specific to your application.
Akeso provides a web application that lets a test manager monitor the execution of tests scheduled by Chronos and view test execution reports.
With Akeso a test manager and a tester can:
IDS SrL Part. IVA 020707400301
Via Linussio 51, 33100 – Udine Italy
Phone: +39 0432 629717